click on cell shows formula, cell appears blank

The cell appears blank on the screen and when printed, however when you click on the cell the formula appears, and the value is used in other cells, how do I make the value visible?t2Addendum SASAMS Mark sheet MLIT.xls

The following cells: Grade 10k1 spreadsheet cell: K12; S12; S18; s 27
Grade 11K3 spreadsheet Cell : K38; K39; S27; S 42

Which os and LO-Version do you use?

What you describe depends on the formula, the references and may be some formatting. So it might be an expected behaviour and I think there is no way to clarify without an anonymized example and a description of what you would exprect (with respect to the example). Thus please consider to upload an example file using edit you question an the clip symbol.

Please also tell which cell to look at. Thanks!

Possibly you mean some cells like AG37 - which are controlled by conditional formatting making font white when value is small.

Hello @Kagiso, I removed all the conditional formatting and the file went back up and running. except the k12 cell with the wrong formula, which I copied from K11 and pasted into k12, worked.

On the Div / 0 errors use the formula: =IFERROR(your formula;"")

Review the need for Conditional formatting.

Here is the file with the conditional formatting excluded from the worksheets 10K1 and 11K3 and in 10K1 I used the IFERROR formula.

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