Crossref to foot- or end-note whose # changes?

How do I insert a cross-reference to a foot- or end-note whose number might change?

E.g., suppose I have these two foot- or end-notes:

  1. See also fn. 2 below.
  2. cross-referenced footnote

Then I edit the document such that now my foot- or end-notes now look like this:

  1. See also fn. 2 below.
  2. newly added footnote
  3. cross-referenced footnote

I want the “See also fn. 2 below.” to change to “See also fn. 3 below.” automatically so it refers to the same note it was always referring to.

How do I do this?


OP: @Geremia

Creation of footnotes:
Insert / Footnote/Endnote

Next reference to foot note: You need to insert Fields
Insert / Fields / Others and you will get
image description

For each foot note you can make reference to all elements in Subwindow “Insert reference to”

You can insert such a reference also in a footnote eg. footnote x makes a cross reference to foot note y

In my attached example file I used page and footnote references. Feel free to download and play with the attached file.AskLibO - foot note example.odt

that was easier than I thought

@Geremia - That’s what AskLibO is for.