How can I create an algorithm (flow chart) on LibreOffice?

Trying to figure out how to create and algorithm (flow chart) on LibreOffice like I can on Microsoft Office. Is this possible? (LibreOffice Draw (03) A Simple Flowchart)

  • Draw your shapes

  • Select and double-click on a shape to add text to it

  • For the edges, use the connector tool, not line:

    • when you hover the mouse over the shapes, connecting points appear

    • click on one of them and drag to an other connecting point on another shape (or same shape), release mouse button

Now when you drag a shape, the connecting lines remain linked to shapes; you can reorganise your flowchart without have to bother for the edges.

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If you don’t mind attaching document(s) to a LO file, look into a much better & very cheap flow charting package with demo/sample use capabilities. I’ve used this system for years & the few problems, enhancement requests, & confusion resolution were resolved within days. go to RFFlow or, I’ve forgotten the link.