Trying to figure out how to create and algorithm (flow chart) on LibreOffice like I can on Microsoft Office. Is this possible?
Draw your shapes
Select and double-click on a shape to add text to it
For the edges, use the connector tool, not line:
when you hover the mouse over the shapes, connecting points appear
click on one of them and drag to an other connecting point on another shape (or same shape), release mouse button
Now when you drag a shape, the connecting lines remain linked to shapes; you can reorganise your flowchart without have to bother for the edges.
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If you don’t mind attaching document(s) to a LO file, look into a much better & very cheap flow charting package with demo/sample use capabilities. I’ve used this system for years & the few problems, enhancement requests, & confusion resolution were resolved within days. go to RFFlow or, I’ve forgotten the link.