In Base, referencing a text box from a Query

Hi, I am in the process of migrating an MS Access application to LibreOffice Base. I am having trouble in correctly referencing items in Base Queries.

By way of example, I have a table called tbl_ASME, a form called frm_ASME, and a query called qry_ASME.
The form frm_ASME contains a text box called SrchPhoto, which contains either a 1 or a 0.

In MS Access, as part of the query qry_ASME, I check the value of SrchPhoto.
This is done in the design query as (for example)
[forms]![from_ASME]![SrchPhoto] = 1
and the SQL is
SELECT whatever FROM tbl_ASME WHERE (([forms]![from_ASME]![SrchPhoto]=1));

In LibreOffice Base, I do not understand how to reference this text box from within a query. The Forms Navigator confirms that the hierarchy is Forms, frm_ASME, SrchPhoto

In the Base Query, I have tried various combinations of
with brackets or whatever, and with other separators. All give errors!
Can someone please tell me how to reference the contents of this simple text box from within the Query?

(Please don’t answer that it could be done more efficiently using Filters or Macros or whatever! It is just a simple question of knowing how to reference the object correctly, but I would really like to know how!!).



There is no access to a form control from a Query in Base.


Your Not an Answer comment:

Strange that such a simple question has no direct solution.

You question stated:

(Please don’t answer that it could be done more efficiently using Filters or Macros or whatever! It is just a simple question of knowing how to reference the object correctly, but I would really like to know how!!).

That is how it was answered. Table filtering is a common practice in this regard.

thanks Ratslinger. Strange that such a simple question has no direct solution. I may though have found a solution using a second table that can be set from the Form, and that can contain the boolean SrchPhoto. I will post a solution if it works out.

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