Quantity x drop down list with calc = total

Hi Libre community,

I am new to using calc, I was just wondering if someone can help me with a formula to use or refer me to a link that is suitable for a newbie to understand.

I would like a quantity column that I can input a numeral value; and on the next column have a drop down list with about 20 product names (ie. eggs, bread, sugar, etch), each of the product names have a numerical price value, then on the third column give me a total value of whatever the product name is multiplied by the numerical value from the first column.

Because the products are reoccurring, it has to be selected from a drop down list rather than typed each time.

eggs = $4.00
bread = $7.50
sugar = $3.00

Column A                       Column B                             Column C
(Numerical value)     (drop down list of products)                (total value)
3                                 eggs                              $12.00
1                                 bread                             $7.50
5                                 sugar                             $15.00

I would appreciate the help.


please see the following attached file, which contains 2 sheets:

Sheet: Calculator - contains the dropdown in column “Product” abn performs the calculation of “Total” based on the quantity given in column quantity.

Sheet: Prodcuct&Price - contains the base data required for

  • Product names (used in the dropdown)
  • Price per unit (as in your question)

This is implemented by defining data allowed to be entered in column “Product” - the list of valid data is taken from column A of sheet Product&Price. To see how that works, do the following:

  • Select column B of sheet Calculator
  • Go to menu Data -> Validity and see the settings, which has the following settings:
    Allow: Dropdown Cell Range
    Source: $'Product&Price'.$A$2:$A$3

More info on defining Vailidity - see LibreOffice Help - Validity of Cell Contents

Formula to calculate Total

The formula =IF(AND(A2<>"";B2<>"");VLOOKUP(B2;$'Product&Price'.$A$2:$B$4;2;0)*A2;"-") performes the following:

  • Checks, whether Quantity and Product are set
  • Evaluates the unit price from sheet Product&Price for the selected product
  • Multiplies product unit price found with quantity given

More info on function IF - see Libre Office Help - IF
More info on function AND - see Libre Office Help - AND
More info on function VLOOKUP - see Libre Office Help - VLOOKUP

Hope that helps.

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