LibreOffice Spell Checker

I have been searching for a while about Spell Checker on LIbreOffice, but I could not find a fix for it. The ones that does work is based on Windows.

I tried to install the dictionary extension but that didnt help.

Whatever language I select on Tools > Language >

For selection, For Paragraph, For All Text

It just ignores it and reverts to English (Philippines). Except for “For Paragraph” and “For All Text” where it just outright unselect anything you choose.

When the Spell Checker window is open the Text Language is always blank.

My Laptop Setup:

LinuxMint 19.3

LibreOffice 6.4

Any ideas?

  1. Read this tutorial.
  2. If you can’t find an answer, read these guidelines and ask a good question.

In particular, you say:

I tried to install the dictionary extension but that didnt help.

What do you mean? The extension did not install? Did not work? What language do you need to check?

Also, you say:

based on Windows.


LinuxMint 19.3

What is your operating system actually?