How remove Module, Library or all macros located in a document using a macro?

For example, I want to press “save” and run a macro that will remove all macros from this document before saving.
And very good to clear a call for a save event.

I would suggest you reword the subject to mkake clear that this is about document macros to be cleared with the help of a local (application) macro.
(“How to remove document macros by a macro from my local library?” e.g.)

(I may not soon find the time to consider a probable solution.)

Well, I was interested in the question, because I never had done a related code. Thus I tried it without a prior research concerning probable ready-mades being around. This is what I got:

Sub removeDocumentMacros(Optional pDoc, Optional pPreclude As String)
Const mkPrecluded = "Persist"
If IsMissing(pPreclude) Then pPreclude = mkPrecluded
If IsMissing(pDoc) Then pDoc = ThisComponent
bLibs = pDoc.BasicLibraries
uLibs = Ubound(bLibs.ElementNames)
For i = uLibs To 0 Step -1
  i_LibName = bLibs.ElementNames(i)
  lPersist = (InStr(i_LibName, pPreclude) + Len(pPreclude))=(Len(i_LibName)+1)
  If NOT lPersist Then
    i_Lib = bLibs.getByName(bLibs.ElementNames(i))'(j)'.getByName(Each bLib In bLibs
    uModules = Ubound(i_Lib.ElementNames)
    For j =  uModules To 0 Step -1
      j_ModuleName = i_Lib.ElementNames(j)
      mPersist = (InStr(j_ModuleName, pPreclude) + Len(pPreclude))=(Len(j_ModuleName)+1)
      If NOT mPersist Then
        j_Module = i_lib.getByName(j_ModuleName)
        REM Here a processing of the contents of the module might be needed dependng on....
        REM Then only if a calculated condition holds:
      End If
    Next j
    If Ubound(i_Lib.ElementNames)<0 Then bLibs.removeLibrary(i_LibName)
    REM This doesn't completely work as expected:
    REM The emty library will no longer be shown and counted by the container bLibs but...
    REM ...having the castrated document saved and reloaded the empty library 
    REM is again shown in the Basic IDE. Didn't research.
    REM Just another miracle of the kind some sceptics disresüectfully call a "bug".
  End If
Next i
End Sub 

Of course, I developed and tested with a real document. For demonstration I alo attach it here:

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So, here any library ending with the preclude string is spared, correct?

might merit a comment…

In this case the deserved comments would be

  1. I originally only was interested in the topic for “abstract” reasons, and never used the code I had posted above “in the wild”.
  2. Now I tested again, and found that the behavior of LibO has changed a bit since my original post: Depending on unknown circumstances it may be necesary to explicitly load the modules the code is working on.
  3. Back in time again: I assumed that anybody considering to rely on UserDefinedRoutines for such a sensitive task would thorougly study that code anyway.
  4. In short: Following my intentions, libraries having appended the precluding string to their names (Boolean variable lPersist is True) will not be processed at all. For libraries not marked this way, the respective check applies per module (using Boolean variable mPersist).
  5. There isn’t a guarantee of any kind concerning the working of the code or the absence of serious errors whether they were present from the beginning, or put in effect later by changes in LibO.

Other options:

Sub remove_code()
	doc = ThisComponent
	libraries = doc.BasicLibraries
	libraries = doc.DialogLibraries
End Sub

Sub _remove_elements(libraries)
	DEFAULT = "Standard"
	names = libraries.ElementNames	
	For i = LBound(names) To Ubound(names)
		n = names(i)
		l = libraries.getByName(n)
		If n = DEFAULT Then
			names2 = l.ElementNames
			For i2 = LBound(names2) To Ubound(names2)
				n2 = names2(i2)
		End IF
End Sub

Used you with very CAUTION

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I was looking for something similar to use. I don’t know why, but it seems the macro that @mauricio have coded always overthrow the LO.
I’m just a beginner, however I coded something that works without crash LO. I guess, at least.
But it only works if you know the libraries names where the macros are.
Follow the code

Sub RemoveMacros()
''' Define variables
Dim oDoc as Object, oLibBasic as Object, oLibDialog as Object

	oDoc = ThisComponent				'Returne current doc
	oLibBasic = oDoc.BasicLibraries		'Returne colection libraries from doc
	oLibDialog = oDoc.DialogLibraries	'Returne colection dialogs from doc

	'If Library an Dialogs exist, delete it
	If oLibBasic.hasByName( "MyDialogs" ) And oLibDialog.hasByName( "MyDialogs" ) then
		oDoc.BasicLibraries.removeLibrary( "MyDialogs" )
		oDoc.DialogLibraries.MyDialogs.removeByName( "Dialog1" )
	End If
	'If Libraries exist, delete macros
	If oLibBasic.hasByName( "NAME_OF_YOUR_LIBRARY" ) And oLibBasic.hasByName( "Standard" ) then
		oDoc.BasicLibraries.removeLibrary( "NAME_OF_YOUR_LIBRARY" )
		oDoc.BasicLibraries.removeLibrary( "Standard" )
	End If
End Sub	'RemoveMacros

Please, if this answer worked for you somehow, mark the :white_check_mark: check box to help another users.