Small funktion

Hi, I have detected an error in the SMALL function, I have 10 number from a1

to j1 when using

M = SMALL (A1: J 1; 1)

N = SMALL (A1: J 1; 2)

O = SMALL (A1: J 1; 3)

P = SMALL (A1: J 1; 4)

Q = minimum (A1: J1, 5)

R = SMALL (A1: J 1; 6)

The first smallest number comes first in 4, nothing comes in 1,2 and



I didn’t understand the question.
Please chek the example ask247036functionSMALL_1.ods and explain exactly what seems wrong to you.

Can’t see the problem: see file Function-SMALL.ods

The SMALL() function is not very complicated neither to make nor to use, and it has been around for quite some time. I doubt that developers made a mistake. If they did, it is not likely that it would avoid every user’s attention until now.

  • The spaces in the addresses of your posted formulas are strange, and I guess they would have generated an error if used as entered. While it is not likely the issue in your case, it is a telltale sign that you may not be consistent in your data entry.
  • Do you have numbers in all ten cells of the range? If there are blank cells (3 of them?), are they really blank or did you “clear” them with the space bar?
  • Could you show us the numbers you have, and the results you are getting from your formulas? The best way of showing that is by attaching your file to your question above.

I had zero in all cells. Thanks, it works

I’m using Version: (x64)

You posted this as your proposed solution, so does that version solve your problem/explain the issue?

If it doesn’t, remove it as “Answer” and add it to your question instead (edit the question, or add the info as a comment to the question).