My default settings is Google Chrome but when I try to download Libre it tells me to go to the Microsoft apps to get it. Can you explain why it won't allow me to download to Google Chrome Windows 10

My default settings is Google Chrome but when I try to download Libre it tells me to go to the Microsoft apps to get it. Can you explain why it won’t allow me to download to Google Chrome Windows 10

  1. Read these guidelines and ask a good question. In particular, make your title short.
  2. No, we can’t explain. Ask Bill Gates why his operating system is so lousy.
  3. If you want to use your computer as you want, throw out that Microsoft trash and install a free operating system like Linux or BSD.

My default settings is Google Chrome

Default for what? I’d assume it is your default browser app.

> ...I try to download Libre it tells me to go to the Microsoft apps to get it.

Who tells you that (for sure it is not Who/what do you assume is “it”?

> Download to Google Chrome Windows 10

You never download “to” Google Chrome but download “using” Google Chrome

>Can you explain why it won't allow me to download to Google Chrome Windows 10

Who is “it” (as said above, it definitely isn’t

From where did you try to download?

This really is Microsoft being anti-competitive.

Go to Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & Features, under Choose where get Apps there is a field box just below that will have a setting of The Microsoft Store only (recommended), click the drop down arrow and select Anywhere.

Given the MS clamp-down of your PC, you might like to bookmark this page General Installation Issues (Windows) and also MS site Customize controlled file access

Cheers, Al

PS if you are running Windows 10 S (e.g. Surface laptop) then MS owns your soul and you can’t do anything without their say-so. Unless you upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, see Apps won’t install on Windows 10 S. You can download a version of LibreOffice at the Microsoft App store BUT they charge for it.

PPS If a surface laptop then I don’t think you can install Linux.