How to input data same date each month

Im trying to get calc to input the value of cell C6 into the cell which corresponds to the 24th of each month. Column A has the date values. Ive attached a copy of the sheet for simplicity. So the value of C6 would go into C30, C60, C91 and so on
Rent Account 2021.ods

You can paste the next formula in the range C7:C364 =IF(DAY(A7)=24;C$6;0) and delete the 0 results.

  1. Copy formula, select C7.
  2. Choose menu Edit - Paste Unformatted Text(the same that Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V); or press F2, Ctrl+V and Enter.
  3. Copy C7.
  4. Select C7:C372 (Ctrl+Shift+End, and Shift+Left Arrow, Left Arrow).
  5. Choose menu Edit - Paste Special - Paste Special…(the same that Ctrl+Shift+V or Insert), uncheck Text, Numbers and Date & Time, check Formulas, and OK (or Enter).
  6. Choose menu Edit - Find & Replace… (the same that Ctrl+H), in the Find: field type 0, leave the Replace: field empty and Current selection only checked, in the Search in: field select Values, click Replace All and Close.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Maybe also could use the next formulas:

  • B7 (and below): =IF(AND(WEEKDAY($A7;2)=1;A7<=$A$6);$B$6;"")
  • E7 (and below): =IF(A7<=$A$6;SUM(B$7:D7);"").

Perfect thank you

You’re welcome!