What's Wrong In M14, M15, etc..?

I’ve written this =IF(ISBLANK(L18),"",IF(L18*210<=H18,“paid”,))

and it only sort of half works and I can’t figure out why.

The failure is demonstrated in M14, M14, M18, M19 etc…

Can someone put me straight please?problemdemo.ods

ISBLANK is documented to return FALSE for cells with formulas - is that your problem?

could well be. there’s formulas in those cells alright. So is there some variation on isblank I can use?

Just compare to empty string: L18=""

it wouldn’t let me edit. that was a dumb question I guess. I can use IF(cell="","",“whatever”) I suppose. Not thinking. Put your comment up as an answer and I’ll mark it as the answer. Ah… I see you wrote that when I was doing this. Okay. You want to make it an answer?

ISBLANK is documented to return FALSE for cells with formulas. To compare a cell containing a formula that conditionally returns an empty string, a direct comparison to "" is needed:
