Need to enlarge a page content max to page size of the larger else

I need to resize a PDF page content by use of libreoffice draw
This is the first page, its page size differs, smaller, from the rest and the contents needs to be enlarged up to max of the page page size of those larger ones else.
How to accomplish that ? Please help guide me to the right pathBraze_n_Solder_filler_alloys.odg

Hi @abdulbadii. Please remember that a PDF is a digital print, it is not made to be editable. You may have to redo it from scratch. You should upload a sample file so that we see what is at stake (if it requires much work to redo or not). See How do I attach a file? Please do NOT use the answer field, use comments instead.

did it but rejected.
trying to do again after convert it to odg file though…

See the link I’ve provided, there is a trick to upload a PDF file.

Try to select all the content of the first page (Ctrl+A), then right click Group. And use the handles to resize. It takes some time because there are a lot of elements.

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Maybe first you must resize the document page size:

  • Choose menu Page - Properties… - Page tab
  • At Format, choose the size that best fits page 2 onwards (maybe A3), or set Width: and Height: values, OK

Now you resize the page 1 content:

  • Select the content in page 1 (while in page 1, Ctrl+A or menu Edit - Select All)
  • Open the Position and Size dialog (F4 or menu Edit - Position and Size)
  • Choose Position and Size tab, below Size check Keep ratio, set Height: (29.70 cm if using A3 page size), OK

Maybe you want to center page 1 content:

  • Group the content of page 1 (Ctrl+Shift+G or menu Shape - Group - Group, and wait until status bar shows Group object selected)
  • Choose menu Shape - Align - Centered

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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