Can we freeze rows and columns on selected sheets (more than one) at once?

Hello all,

In a spreadsheet with multiple sheets, I need to freeze rows and columns for all the selected sheets at the same position (say C3).

Is there a way (without a macro) to do it for all the selected sheets at once? (LibreOffice, on Windows).

Thanks in advance.

Hold the ctrl key pressed and click the tabs for the sheets you want to configure. If the sheets are consecutive, you can click first tab an then shift-click the last. Release ctrl/shift and click cell C3. Freeze. Should freeze two rows and two columns on all selected sheets.

Make sure to click a sheet tab again to release group selection before you start editing, unless you want to enter the same data into all those sheets.

This is what I was trying, but it works only for the visible sheet.

Sorry about that! I was certain that I’d done exactly that. So certain that I didn’t bother to check. Now upon testing it won’t work in any one of the 4 spreadsheet apps I have currently installed (LO,AOO,WPS and MS). I have started imagining things, it seems.

Demoted my answer to comment, to maintain reply history without applying “answered” state to the question.

Apropos of nothing in particular. In Calc, selecting multiple sheets and adding a number in a cell adds the number to the same cell in each sheet, but interestingly the selection in the other sheets does not change to the cell with the new number, but remains at the previous selected cell.

Compare to Excel in which the selection does change. In Excel 2010 multiple selection of sheets and trying to freeze panes at same point also does not work.

I think you might have to investigate macros

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Adding to the theme:

  • If you select the sheet tabs with the mouse, in order not to lose the selection, you must secondary-click on the first selected tab.
  • But if you select the sheet tabs with Ctrl+Shift+PgUp|PgDn, you need to secondary-click on the last selected tab.

@keme, I would strikethrough your comment, and you delete the strikethrough in my comment; then we can delete this text (not the next). Thanks for the effort in helping.

@EarnestAl, Congratulations that you surpassed me in the karma list. Considering your involvement in the site, it was only a matter of time.

@LeroyG thank you for the congratulatory message but my karma is not deserved. I do not have the technical expertise that you have; I think it is mainly an accident of my time zone.

an accident of my time zone.


We all know better different parts of LibreOffice, and that’s good.