Telephone Number edit pattern?

Hi all!

How do I create an edit pattern for a United States telephone number in Base? How does the field need to be defined for this to work correctly? Text? Decimal? Number? Something else?

I want it to display in the entry form, queries and reports as 999-999-9999 with the dashes/separators. The data in the table can be in 9999999999 format (without the dashes/separators.)

Thanks in advance!

I would make 2 columns: A for 9999999999 and B for the 999-999-9999
in B 1 enter: =LEFT (A1,3)&"-"&MID(A1,4,3)&"-"&MID(A1,7,4)
Depending on your separator setting you need to replace “,” by “;”

Wow! Thanks for the reply!