How to make caption not connected to figure, not in text frame (like in MS Word)?

When adding a caption to figure in LibreOffice, it is automatically “glued” / connected to the figure, and stays with figure. From what I understand, it is done using automatically generated text frame (containing both figure and figure caption).

This is usually a good thing. If you move the figure, its caption is also moved, and stays together. This contrast with MS Word 2007 behaviour, where figure and caption are separate, and moving figure sometimes leaves its caption in old place; you need to move it separately.

In my case, the LibreOffice document is not a final version, and is used as input for layout and publishing. Embedded figures are only visual hint. Document contains layout instructions for including images, and captions for images should be below respective layout instructions, not below respective figures.

How can I “disconnect” captions from figures in LibreOffice (the MS Word behaviour)? I want to keep automatic numbering and autoupdating references…

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After adding the caption to the figure, click on the figure as such (the green squares indicate what is selected) and delete the figure. The caption frame an text remains, so does the numbering.

Tested in LibO on XP

I want to have both figure and a caption, just not the connecting text frame.

I have the same request. I would like to keep image and caption in separate boxes like MS Word.