Is possible to do the real connection between of two rows of the tables on different pages?

For example, if I write the text on page No 1 in row of table will it be updated in row other table on page No 7 if between them is connection?


What is possible is to insert a section in each cell of which one wants to recover the contents in another table.

In the Link.odt attached, 3 sections have been inserted (menu Insert Section) in A2, B2 and C2.

In the table where it is desired to retrieve a content, also insert a section that is linked to one of the sections previously created.

For example in Table2.B2 menu Insert Section, check Link, select from the dropdown section to duplicate (eg. Section2).

The update, in case of modification of the source, is not immediate. To force Tools Update Links

The sections already created can be changed / deleted by the menu Format Section.
