Counting the number of lines

Hello there. Is there any way to see the count of the lines in a LibreOffice Writer file? I’d like to see it just by clicking on a command, and not by adding the line number on one side or the other of the text. I’m looking for a function similar to the one offered by Microsoft Word. This would be very useful to me, since I’m a journalist and I often have to check how many lines I’m writing. Thanks.

(1) You may use

Menu File → Properties → Statistics → Number of Lines → Update

(2) You can assign a shortcut key via

Menu Tools → Customize → Keyboard

Category: Documents

Function: Properties

Select a shortcut key – click on "Modify""OK"

(3) You can add the function to a toolbar (e.g.: "standardbar") via

Menu Tools → Customize → Toolbars → standardbar → Add...

Category: Documents

Commands: Properties

Click on "Add""OK"

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That’s great!! I’ve just added the Properties button to the toolbar. Okay, you’ve just made my day. Thanks!!