High CPU usage

I’m running LibreOffice 5.1.2 on a Fedora machine. I’m using Writer to write a relatively long document (~40 pages with images, tables and text; about 4 MB in size).

Starting a while ago, I have 100% CPU usage whenever I open this file. When I run top, I see that the exact command that uses so much CPU is:

/opt/libreoffice5.1/program/soffice.bin --writer file:///disk2/projects/my_document.odt --splash-pipe=5 

Any ideas why this happens, especially given that it wasn’t happening before?

This type of problem is often associated with the LibO memory settings. These are set for typical documents sizes. See I have a large book I'm writing and trying to add photos and its giving me the bad allocation msg

Try adjusting these first. The images are unpacked in memory by LibO so the memory actually used is greater than the stored document…Peter