How do I add my autocorrect file to LO?


I made a file with the autocorrections I needed for my language (Venetan) and I would like it be visible in Tools > AutoCorrect > AutoCorrect Options.

How can I tell LO to include my file along with the others in \LibreOffice 5\share\autocorr? I’ve tried copying my acor_vec-IT.dat there and restarting, but this didn’t work. I even tried to add the files in the dict-vec.oxt but without success.

Thank you.

Menu/Tools/Options/Language settings/Writing aids - User defined dictionaries.

I don’t want to go to everyone’s installation of LO and add all of my autocorrections. I’d rather like to ship it along with my dictionary extension (because that makes sense to me), or something alike.

Information can be found in:

I cannot find anything about acor_*.dat files, nor DocumentList.xml or similar, nor installations of autocorrections files.

Could you please point me to the spot which talks about my problem? Thank you.

Ok, copying the file in the acorr directory worked.
But how could I distribute my acor_*.dat? Is there a way to install it?