Selecting / copying nth rows in Libre Office Calc

Hi all! Please guys, how do I copy every nth (in my case 120th) line in Calc from ex. column A to column B?

Manually selecting is not an option since I have thousands of lines.
I have already tried this solutions which didn’t work unfortunately:

Works for me

=OFFSET($A$2, (ROW()-2)*120,0)

Don’t forget to copy down the column B for enough cells to suit your list.

Depending on your language installed you might need “;” instead of “,”.

If you cant to copy the formula down the length of the table without showing 0 for blank cells try:

=IF(OFFSET($A$2, (ROW()-2)*120,0)<>"",OFFSET($A$2, (ROW()-2)*120,0),"")

Attached Example, Untitled 16.ods might help you see it working.

I can’t upvote this because I don’t have enough points (WTF?). So I have to comment, that this worked for me.

Very good answer!!!
But I wonder, how to copy all…format, styles, formulas, because only unformatted text is copying…
Any idea ???

This is a neat answer but it is cryptic. I just used this to plot weekly-sampled totals of Covid-19 cases where I live, in Onondaga County; it worked very well. It is cryptic partly because I had never heard of offset, and what it may do was not obvious to me, but also because the context and values used were not obvious to me. I think you should explain how your solution works and how it applies generally:

To copy every 120th row, starting from A2, to X7, use this formula in X7 (and cells below):
=OFFSET($A$2, (ROW-7)*120, 0)