Libreoffice does not display correctly

For some reason the Libreoffice application backgrounds ie writer,calc.draw appear as if a net curtain is placed over the backgrounds but the menu option appear ok.I have installed the portable version of Libreoffice as get the same result. I have re-installed and installed several times and keep getting the same result.

My OS is Windows 10 Pro with anniversary update.

Other productivity suites display ok…any ideas what could be causing this issue ?

Thank you

Thank you for reply.Followed your advice but issue still remains…

Try resetting the user profile first.

Close all LibreOffice applications.

Browse to the folder:-

Rename the “user” folder to “userOLD” or similar.

Restart LibreOffice and it should create a new user folder with all default settings.

You can copy some of the subfolders back to restore basic macros etc.

Add comment if still a problem.

Libreoffice displays ok and works fine now…

Issue is solved

What did fix the problem?

I just followed the advice given by Mark-t by renaming User profile to old and restarting my pc and clearing out junk files and Libreoffice displays correctly now