The RPM install package seems to be missing a few package dependencies.
In order to do a headless installation of libreoffice 5.2.6 on CentOS 7, I needed do the following:
. download the rpm tarball: wget
. unpack it: tar xzf LibreOffice_5.2.6_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz
. install the downloaded rpm files:
cd LibreOffice_5.2.6.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS;
sudo yum localinstall *.rpm
. install three extra packages that were not included in the rpm package dependencies list:
sudo yum install cairo cups-libs libSM
Without this last step the command “libreoffice5.2” fails with error messages about not being able to find some libraries that it needs.
I hope this helps anyone having difficulty with a headless RPM install. Is there any other (recent) version which doesn’t have these missing dependencies?