[FEATURE REQUEST] Built-in Image Editor

I think a new built-in image editor for Writer will be a great feature because many times I create tutorials, I insert many images as is. I insert many images without any editing, without any cropping. So I should edit all of my pictures after my document done.

It is great if LibreOffice Writer has build-in/internal image editor, even if the image editor only can do cropping. Okay sure, if it can do many tasks, it will be more advantageous and more efficient. But I like even if there is a crop feature only provided. And developer maybe has known, outside there people (sometimes) only have office suite and don’t have any image editor. And I admit if it will be easier, comforter, more advanced if Writer can do this internally. So people dont need to open GIMP or Shotwell or Paint anymore. Enough with Writer.

I get this idea from Shutter and Microsoft Office. That’s all of my idea.

I don’t think this is a good idea. I think that libreoffice should stick to being a really good office suite and leave the “Edit with an external application” to do the work. The simple stuff (that is already implemented) such as transparency, simple cropping and rotation are nice to have but once you get into real image editing it is a lot of work to get good results (Even non-90 rotations look bad without a good algorithm). Just use “Edit with external application” and edit it with GIMP (or your editor of choice). Soo much work goes into gimp and it is really a phenomenal image editor, it would be a waste of time and effort to duplicate all of this work. Personally, I would prefer that libreoffice devs keep working on what they are doing now.


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