I think a new built-in image editor for Writer will be a great feature because many times I create tutorials, I insert many images as is. I insert many images without any editing, without any cropping. So I should edit all of my pictures after my document done.
It is great if LibreOffice Writer has build-in/internal image editor, even if the image editor only can do cropping. Okay sure, if it can do many tasks, it will be more advantageous and more efficient. But I like even if there is a crop feature only provided. And developer maybe has known, outside there people (sometimes) only have office suite and don’t have any image editor. And I admit if it will be easier, comforter, more advanced if Writer can do this internally. So people dont need to open GIMP or Shotwell or Paint anymore. Enough with Writer.
I get this idea from Shutter and Microsoft Office. That’s all of my idea.