2 simple questions for a MS Office migrator to LibreOffice

Hi everyone,
My name is Benji I am a maths tutor from Australia.

I am using Libreoffice
I am using Pop_OS Current version.

I Love libreoffice!! However its a big learning curve coming from MS Office for Libre Calc and libreoffice writer.

How do we add a header and footer in LibreCalc


Where do I find "Find and replace in LibreOffice Writer?

Kind Regards,


How do we


Unfortunately many who create an account here to ask a question never bother to try and comprehend how the site works. When you have signed in you are on the main page. On that page, there, in the right hand column, is a section called Resources. Please take just a minute or two to read How to use the Ask site. It’s not all encompassing but will provide basic information.

There are also a few other links at the bottom of the page - FAQ & Help which are often overlooked and contain other information.


Please understand this is a question and answer site. Asking multiple questions hides this from others looking for answers. Therefore your main question should not be general.

“Find and Replace” in under the Edit menu.

Calc “Header and Footer” is in the documentation in Chapter 6. It is on the menu under Format->Page.

You have been given the link to the documentation in a comment on your previous question.

In addition to @Ratslinger you will find a complete overview here:
