6.2 icons not showing correctly?

Freshly installed 6.2 icons are not showing correctly:

Installed from here.

Is there something i’m doing wrong or is this a bug? (Note that the folder w/ red arrow is a custom icon of mine.)

Here’s how 6.1 looks for me:

Linux, Debian, 9.9, Cinnamon 3.2.7, Kernel 4.9.0-9-amd64, Graphics card AMD/ATI RV71-/M92

Perhaps different Icon style in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> View -> Category: User Interface -> Option: Icon style. Your previous Icon style looks like “Colibre” and your new one like “Breeze”

@anon73440385, that’s it. Thank you! It was in “Automatic (Breeze (dark))”. Changed it to Tango so now it looks like it used to look.


just for the record the soution as an answer: Change the Icon style in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> View -> Category: User Interface -> Option: Icon style. Your previous Icon style looks like “Colibre / Tango” and your new one like “Breeze”. Change to your preferred Icon style.