A problem with Impress in Debian 11

Hello everybody. In Debian 11 (KDE) installed LO from backports. But for some reason, animated transitions between slides do not work. In the version 7.0.4 that was installed, this is fine. Objects are animated within one slide. But don’t jump between slides. The next slide just appears without any animation.
I also tried “live” images of various distributions with LO 7.3, there are no such problems. I also tried to install from the .deb package, the problem is the same.
But appimage works properly. However, it has a slightly lower version: 7.3.1.
What could be the problem?

First steps to take before submitting a bug

Is it all transitions that don’t work? Or just the last 17 transitions in the list? For similar fixed issue, in Windows anyway, see tdf#145910

That’s right, not all transitions work. Good thing Windows has a fix. But I don’t use this operating system.

Version 7.4 was released today. It should appear in backports soon, I hope there will be no problem.

Whoops, not fixed yet. I don’t see the issue just because I edited my opengl_denylist_windows.xml

Did you look at the steps undertook to make the transitions work on that computer before any bug fix? You would need to find the device ID of your graphics card and edit the equivalent Debian denylist I suppose.

I can confirm in a new,parallel, installation of LO, in Win 11, the OpenGL slide transitions work without editing anything. It might still be graphics driver dependent.

I think that it is unlikely. After all, version works properly in other distributions that I tested “live” on the same machine. This is probably a build problem in the backports.