Access2Base DFunctions with Mysql

I am working on a membership database based on the one I created in ms-access, front end = libre office base, back end is a Mysql (usb)server. I use the native mysql connector
In the mysql server I created the database vtt_leden.
In vtt_leden there are 2 tables, one containing the information about the club & current (sport)season: t_club, one with the memberdata: t_leden
From within the member details form I want to read from the table “t_club” the start year of the current sport season (field “club_seizoen”). (I will store this value in the field “leden_seizoen” if the player is participating this season)
For this I use DLookup.

Dim C as integer
C=1 'there is only one record in this table
S = DLookup("[club_seizoen]", “[vtt_leden].[t_club]”, "[club_id]= " & C
When executing the macro I receive a error message:
Error #1510 (DFunction execution failed, SQL=SELECT TOP 1 “club_seizoen” AS “TEMP48341” FROM “vtt_leden”.“t_club” WHERE “club_id”= 1) occurred in DLookup

I tested the same script in a lo with embedded database & it works fine
S = DLookup("[club_seizoen]", “[t_club]”, "[club_id]= " & C

So I wounder if access2base can be used with mysql database.
Anyone with access2base experience can tell me more?

(As a temporary solution I execute a Update SQL, but I can not see the result immediatly on screen.)

Although I don’t use Access2Base, I believe your problem is the quotes around the field names. They work in an embedded DB because that is what is expected but in a macro the code is a passthrough and MySQL is looking for the ` character surrounding the field names.

S = DLookup(`[club_seizoen]`, `[vtt_leden].[t_club]`, `[club_id]`=  & C


S = DLookup(`[club_seizoen]`, `[vtt_leden]`.`[t_club]`, `[club_id]`=  & C

not exactly sure with Access2Base.

After a couple of tests this may even work

S = DLookup([club_seizoen], [vtt_leden].[t_club], [club_id]=  & C


The correct syntax is indeed:

 S = DLookup("[club_seizoen]", "[vtt_leden].[t_club]", "[club_id]= " & C

It “should” work.

HOWEVER, there is a bug in Access2Base. It does not consider that the


construction is not valid for MySQL. See for instance here for more info.

I will provide a correction of the Access2Base library. It will be included in release LO 5.2.

Sorry for the inconvenience and many thanks to help us making LO even better.


Thanks for your replies but unfortunatly, not working :frowning:

S = DLookup("[club_seizoen]", “[vtt_leden.t_club]”, "[club_id]= " & C)

S = DLookup("[club_seizoen]", “[t_club]”, "[club_id]= " & C)

I tried really a lot of different possibilities.

I found this: “” but it seems it was a false alarm: the name of a table was incorrect (case sensitive)
I am pretty sure table & fieldnames are all correct as I do not use capitals
