I use access2base & I want to export data (tables& queries) from the (Mysql) membership database.
Since my previous experience (bug in DLookup Mysql) I now try first in a base file with the HSQL embedded database.
I want to export the memberdata & I use the following command:
DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputTable, “t_Leden”,acFormatXLSX, “C:\Users\michel\Documents\Libre Office\leden.xlsx”,True,)
A error message pops up: Error #1503 (Argument nr. 3 [Value = ‘CALC MS EXCEL 2007 XML’] is invalid) occurred in a call to function ‘OutputTo’
I discovered only this one was ok, export a open form to a pdf:
DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputForm, “f_Leden”,acFormatPDF, “C:\Users\michel\Documents\Libre Office\Leden.pdf”,True,)
Have I missed something here?
Thanks for the support