Accidentally hit 'close without saving'. Document is gone completely it seems. Any way to recover?

Latest Libre Office Writer for Linux document. Accidentally hit ‘close without saving’. Document is is not in the trash but gone completely it seems. Any way to recover?

Libre Office Writer Version:

Is this a document that was saved before, or a new document that was not saved before? In the former case, you should be able to start from the last saved version.

“Close without saving” is a clear instruction to your PC. Therefore, please consider that the file is gone.

What I am writing now is based on XP and you must try to convert it into Linux. LibO has a backup folder in which it stores files under certain conditions. You should find the folder doing tools > options > path and look for backups.

I keep fingers crossed for you.

I am glad you could recover files under XP

I don’t know how your HDD is partitioned but I have alwas one partition with all data (application data and my own files). This partition I back up almost daily on external HDD and then make a mirror to another HDD drive. This is cheaper and better than to need a data recovery service.

In Linux there is also a backup folder and you can find the path in LibO in the same way as in XP>

Thanks for your advice. Yes I have had success in recovering unsaved documents under Microsoft XP/Word too. I can find nothing like that in Linuxmint/LibreOffice writer. I ended up redoing the document as best I could. I think the problem stemmed from doing a recent upgrade to the latest version of LinuxMint and Libre Office and not realising I needed to reset the backup and save functions in Libre Office Writer to provide recovery in the event of a power failure (or human action failure!).