Accumulation is freezing Libreoffice

Windows 11, Mysql, jdbc

In a simple report where I attempt to have a total at the end of each detail section, accumulation totally freezes libreoffice. I have to ctrl alt delete, end task etc.

I tried sum, but it only gets the vest last value, it doesn’t sum all values from that detail section.

Any ideas why accumulation is “crashing” libreoffice.

Let me know if you need some screen shots. Thanks.


Followed the steps here: But in my case a detail section total.

In the link provided there is a sample. The total there is for all items and is placed on the Report Footer.

You are looking for totals by Group. So your report will look similar with the exception of having Group header and footer. The Accumulation will then go on the Group footer.

@ Ratslinger I realize that, the problem is:

The very instant I select accumulation from the dropdown Libreoffice freezes.

Happening in ver 7.3 and 7.1 (tried on another computer). I can’t even get to those steps.

Also tested, even happens on report footer.

Try running i safe mode. If it works then it is a user profile problem. See > LibreOffice user profile

@ Ratslinger I followed the steps, and with new profile:

Immediately after selecting Accumulation Libreoffice froze.

Note - the profile should be good, I just installed this version 3 days ago. But I renamed it and generated a new one anyway.

In the link provided is the mentioned sample. Can you edit that report including the accumulated field without freezing LO?

@ Ratslinger In the sample ModelRR.odb no I added Accumulation again under the current Accumulation, it worked without freezing.

Could it be because I am using Mysql and jdbc?

Well, I thought so when I started testing, but had further problems along the way. Did find a solution on my issues and may be your problem - tdf#68619.
I had an underscore in the field name. When I eliminated the field of all special characters it worked in MySQL with JDBC and LO 7.3.x
Based upon your images, this is probably not your issue. Aside from saving the report & Base file after each modification (gave me a bit of problem) I have nothing else to suggest. Possibly submit a bug report here > Bugzilla

Have tested this with MariaDB on OpenSuSE. Isn’t the same connection.

Accumulation works with direct connection from LO and with JDBC-connection from MariaDB (mariadb-java-client-2.4.1.jar).
@jimlo9 : which version of MySQL and which JDBC connector do you use?

RobertG pretty sure it’s mysql 8.1.1 connector mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar

I took out underscores, and no crash, but it would not recognize accumulation.

I tried sum it put the formula in textbox, but of course it doesn’t sum all just last row. Clicking on accumulation did nothing at all.

I meanwhile wrote a php script that does what’s needed, but I sure wish this worked in report builder.

All I am after is simple balances This is in work: (a php routine)

Still needs tweaking however. I might try a maria db connector.

Don’t know your OS. Win11 see. Have 10 but no MySQL there.
My tests were on Ubuntu 20.04.4 with MySQL v8.0.28 and mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar

I changed driver to mariadb-java-client-2.7.3.jar and found out, if I do an accumulation on report, not a group, then it doesn’t crash. So it has something to do with the accumulation in the detail group.

@ Ratslinger and @ RobertG

It gets weird, please see these two images:

Notice first image I have Accumulation set for transid (just to test) and withdraw and both show in first image.

Now in second image Accumulation only worked for transid. I tested with both jdbc drivers, same results.

I even indexed withdraw field in case an index was needed.

That above is report footer, neither work if I attempt to put Accumulation in a group (detail) footer.

Also I tried with and without underscores, by changing it in the database, the underscore didn’t make any difference.

It appears the withdraw field has some NULL values. Anything + NULL is NULL.

Last time I tried deposit, sorry, but same result. In report nothing is showing but in database they are 0.00 not null. But surely Accumulation would still work if you had some rows with 0. I don’t understand why the report isn’t showing 0.00 instead of blank.

Since nothing is showing (why not?) I thought it was null. If they are actually 0.00 then you need to figure out why it is blank. Can’t help without sample.

@ Ratslinger I made a boo boo, I did a restore on database and there were nulls, I redid to 0.

Okay, Accumulation does work for a report footer, however, still crashing if I attempt a detail (group) footer.

Also thanks for your help, you too @ RobertG

That is strange, crashing if it’s a group footer.

@ Ratslinger I don’t know how but getting out of LO and rebooting, suddenly I can put Accumulation in detail section.

Know I can’t figure out how to subtract the withdraw Accumulation from deposit Accumulation to have a balance in each section. Can you help here or do I start a new post?

Have no idea what the purpose of an Accumulation in the detail section would be as the figure is for Group or Report in the property choices. I also do not understand totals in each section as your group totals do not seem to work.
Basically it is using existing fields to compute a new field. I have a sample in this post > Libre Data - multi-level report .
It takes line items and multiplies quantity times cost for a total. The same can be done in your case in any section with data within that section.
Also have other examples with items such as running totals. See this post & its’ links > Base report grabd total

@Ratslinger Thank you, thank you, X 1000.
I got it now, just had to [Accumulationdepositaccount]-[Accumulationwithdrawaccount].

Here it is:

Yes changing to the mariadb jdbc driver stopped the crashing.

I tried to mark two solved, but I guess I can only do one, @RobertG pointed me in direction to mariadb driver instead of mysql. You both are great here on the forum.