Add a APA 7 template

Good morning, I frequently use LibreOffice Writer to do some academic and professional work. To do this, I must use the 7th version of APA. I was wondering why LibreOffice Writer couldn’t include a template with APA 7 formatting, instead of having to configure all the features.

Thank you so much,
Diego Javier MITCHELL, from Argentina.

You’re welcome to propose such a template. Are you familiar with styles? This is the key for a successful template.

Be aware, though, that some features of APA can’t presently be implemented in a simple way. I’m thinking of run-in headings. There are workarounds but they are not user-friendly (at least for Writer beginners) unless you provide AutoText for it. And even in this case, it is not fully user-friendly.

Also, APA is only one formatting among several others.

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