I found a work around by exident (maybe this is the intented behavior): If you add a line formated with level 2 heading below the level 1-heading you get the header as it should be. Maybe this helps nort only me.
Hello LibreOffice-Community,
as far as I did’nt recieved any answer to mx Germen question yet, I decided to ak here again in English. Here is my question/problem:
After some testing, I managed to insert chapter headings with different levels in the header as it is described in the LibreOffice-Help.
Example: Chapter title according to title page “Kopfnuss”, this is marked as level 1 (style “title”). The chapter title is inserted as intended in the header.
Another chapter has, for example, the title “Experiments or How Little Michel Lost His Shoe”. “Experiments” is separated from the subtitle by a manually set line break. Same way “or” is separated. “Experiments” is level 1 (style “title”), “or” is level 2 (style “heading 2”) and “How Little …” is level 3 (style “subtitle”).
Inserting level 1 into the header is just as little of a problem as any other desired level. However, the chapters that have a simple title like “Kopfnuss” will be shown three times in the header. Changing the “Complete” field in the “chapter numbering settings” makes no difference.
Is there a trick to convince LibreOffice to output the subtitles only if they exist or to prevent the title from being displayed repeatedly in the absence of subtitles? If not, so maybe it would be an interesting feature for writers.
I hope my request is understandable and formulated sufficiently that it becomes clear what my concern is. To summarize again briefly: I do not want the “Kopnuss Kopfnuss Kopfnuss” to be output in the header if I have inserted the three desired levels of the chapter heading “Experiments or How Little Michel Lost the Shoe” there.
Thanks a lot for your input.