Adding "carriage return" with Find & Replace

Hi everyone.
In Libre Office Writer, how do I obtain a carriage return creating line break, using up to date Libre 24.2 to return an opening speech mark and its contents to the next line down?
I have looked a thread where LeroyG and ajlittoz were active but I haven’t been able to nail it yet.
I can describe my problem more tightly. In some fictional work, I had some passages, single lines with opening and closing speech marks. And the items joined up on the same line. I want them back on different lines.
Here’s an example:
‘I’ve got work to do.’ ‘You owe it to Eden.’
[In this case I lost the strong textEnterstrong text between do.’ AND ‘You ]
I have got 520 instances of it, so I want to automate the process!
Would apreciate any help.

As a workaround: copy an end of paragraph, find all the text to replace, and paste.

And be careful because pasting a paragraph mark also pastes the styles!

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Jeepers, thanks.
You two seem to have answered the question before I finished formulating it. Thank you.
Yes, I know Carriage Return is old hat, we’re talking para break. I’ll correct that. Thanks Lupp
I haven’t cracked the \n business but LeroyG’s workaround is worth a look . . . I can handle para styles, usually.
Next, try Copy&Paste rather than Find&Replace.

There are no “carriage returns” in Writer.
You can either insert a hard line break or a paragraph break to get something of the kind.
As far as I know there is currently no way to insert a hard line break using F&R.
To insert a paragraph break use \n in the replace string with option Regular expresions enabled.
For F&R ffunctionality not yet implemented in LibO you may try the extension AltSearch:

It uses \p for paragraph breaks and \n for line breaks.

I’ve spent time this afternoon experimenting with instructions for line breaks but I can’t get the result I need.
You write “As far as I know there is currently no way to insert a hard line break using F&R.”
Me too. I did see that a poster states that MSWord has a means of doing that. Our library could provide me a session where I could import my text and make the changes. At the mo, that’s my only solution apart from time-wasting obvious solution, adding 520 line breaks.

You can well trust in AltSearch. It’s old, but that is because it didn’t need updates.

Hi Wolfgang

I’ll try that and post.


(Edit by LeroyG: The following content was posted in another question)
Apologies, I’m still not familiar with the site, but I would like to contribute, where I can.
I put up the question of how to use Find and Replace in order to enforce line breaks in my narrative. This was where two speeches (in inverted commas) found themselves on one line, i.e. closing speech mark, space, opening speech mark. Instead of on consecutive lines.
Other contributors have suggested it can’t be done in LO Writer.
If so,solution may be, switch to MS Word, any recent version. Input Find: ’ ‘ and replace with one unfamiliar symbol. I chose }.Therefore Replace: ’ }‘
Next step, switch to Word, and use the following: Find ’ }‘ then Replace ’ ^p
(Those ** ** should not appear when I do this.)
If anyone has any better solutions (that work!) I’ll be pleased to hear them. I’m going to try this out when I can, tomorrow.