I’m trying to install a font on a Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS with Libreoffice installed via Snap.
The Font was installed via the in built installer and is now located at: /home/seppeltronics/.local/share/fonts
However, Libreoffice can not find the font, so I searched for a solution and found that a symbolic link needs to be added, resulting in an error that the filepermissions are read-only.
/snap/libreoffice/current$ sudo ln -s /home/seppeltronics/.local/share/fonts
[sudo] password for seppeltronics:
ln: failed to create symbolic link './fonts': Read-only file system
Is this the only way and how(minimum required permissions) do I need to change the permissions for the folder?
What causes the issue that fonts can not be found, can there be a longterm solution as snap may install newer versions.
Thanks a lot,
Best Regards, Seppel
P.S. Ubuntu and Libreoffice are among the most Linux distributions and most popular text-editor, I’m very surprised that the most trivial thing cause an issue.