Adding space between two images in libreoffice draw

My question is, can I add space between two images in libreoffice draw? So this is two images side by side on one page with space between the images. I know that I can manually drag images. The space would be on the images right or left hand side. The top and bottom would not have an image present. Is this possible in libreoffice draw?

There is no “space” in Draw except in text. Objects are positioned on the page, any space you see is just the absence of objects.

  • You can click View > Grid and Helpline > Helplines while moving to assist with keeping objects in line.
  • If the a suitable grid is active and and Snap to Grid is turned on then dragging to the next grid line is assisted

You could select an object and

  • use the arrow keys to move it approx 1 mm, Ctrl+arrow is a bigger move approx 9.5 mm, Alt+arrow is the smallest move approx 0.06 mm
  • Click Format > Position and size > Position and size (F4) and set the x and y coordinates for the top left corner

Not a problem. I didn’t think that it was possible. Never hurts to ask though.