Adobe Acrobat crashes when I try to search CG24-CalcGuide.pdf

When I try to search the Calc guide for 24.2, Adobe Acrobat crashes. I enter a term in the search box (ctrl-f), and then AA crashes after a few moments. I have to use the task manager to end the app. Using Windows 10 and AA (24.002.21005, newest update). I don’t have a similar problem with other pdf files of similar size. I tried downloaded cg24-calcguide.pdf again, but have same problem.

Try a different PDF viewer?
(I don’t use Windows so can’t give advice what would be a good PDF viewer there).
On Linux, evince works fine for me, but even the built-in PDF viewer in Firefox does well.

I encountered the same problem (Windows 11, Adobe Acrobat hangs / crashes when searching in Calc Guide 24.2). It works fine with other PDF viewers like Sumatra PDF or Okular.

No issue with Calc Guide 7.6 when searching in Adobe Acrobat.

I think this should be reported to Adobe developers.

I should have tried that. Thanks to you both. Firefox works fine. I also contacted Adobe, but pdf files of comparable size do not crash AA.