Advanced conditional formatting

Hello everyone. My question is simple. How do i take the condition from one column and apply format or values to another column? As I currently understand you can only take the value and apply the format within the same column. To explain what I mean, here are 2 examples:

IF A1 = “Z”, apply bottom border at A1:X1

IF value from drop down list at A1 = “X”, insert “Y” at D10

Is there any way to do this without code? Thanks in advance!


Maybe I should start with select A1 an then from context or main menu select
“conditional format” or whatever it is labeled in your language.

Now there is a dropdown, so change from value to formula. Then you can create your own conditions. Use $A1="Z"
Note the $-Sign. Like in other formula you need to differ between A1 and $A1
Now extend the Range of your condition from A1 to A1:A10
See what happens.
The page linked below is in german Language, so mayby not really useful for you, but just look at the pattern created in section 5.2
You can create complex conditions without coding, but actually this is not the usual conditional formatting, but they actually calculate the template to be used:

… and this is not a formatting (conditional or otherwise), it’s a matter of inserting the respective formula in A10.

Hi and thank you for the quick response!
My OP was written in a hurry so I made 2 critical typos. What I meant to type was:

IF A1 = “Z”, apply bottom border at A1:X1

IF value from drop down list at A1 = “X”, insert “Y” at D10

Also, what does the $ operator do exactly?

Sorry for causing confusion!

absolute addresses in spreadsheets