After Mac to Mac Data Transfer, Unable to Open LibreOffice Files on New Mac

I recently transferred all my Intel iMac data to an M4Pro MacMini. My LibreOffice files were moved, but I can’t open them in the “Recent Documents” window. I can open them by clicking “Open” on the drop down menu.

This is the error message I get when trying to open a document in Recent Documents:

/Users/briandeuby/Library/Metadata/ does not exist.

Any help would be appreciated.

Usually I’d say that’s to be expected. If you move your files they are still unknown to your new device, as they were never opened there. Every separate install will have its own list of recent files.
If you transfer the profile of LibreOffice you may find an inversed effect, where your references are available in the profile, but the file is not available.
If files and profile are migrated you may still face issues

  • if you have a new Username
  • path is changed
  • user rights doesn’t fit and files of “other owners” are not accessible (don’t know how MacOS hables this.
    Furtermore: A .vcf does not really qualify as a “LibreOffice file” and the part / does not look like a typical documents path …
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