After record action

Hi, I have the following function that returns the action (INSERT-UPDATE-DELETE) that triggers the “Before record action” event, I would need a function that returns the action for the “After record action” event.
How could I do?
Thank you

Function before_Record_Action(e) As Boolean
'oMRI = CreateUnoService( "mytools.Mri" )
' oMri.inspect(e)
		if e.Action = .INSERT then
			sWord = "insert"
		elseif e.Action = .UPDATE then
			sWord = "update"
		elseif e.Action = .DELETE then
			REM there is a built-in warning message
			before_Record_Action = True
			exit function
	End With
	iAnswer = Msgbox("Are you sure you want to "& sWord &" this record?", 36, "Confirmation")
	before_Record_Action = (iAnswer = 6)
End Function

The info about action and any modified record is not there anymore when “after record action” is called. You have to use both events and let the before event store the action and bookmark in a global variable.

Thanks for the reply, just as I feared this was the solution I kept in reserve.