After upgrading from mint 13 to 18.1 our spreadsheet no longer works properly. Cells are now showing

Has anyone else had this problem?

After upgrading from mint 13 to 18.1 our spreadsheet no longer works properly. Cells are now showing #Div/0!

To double-check the problem we eventually booted off a machine using the mint 13 distro and voila, the spreadsheet works again (but we don’t want to go back to 13).

Any help would be much appreciated.


The crystal ball is fogged… without an example probably no one can help you. If cells are now showing #DIV/0! errors there’s probably a reason for it, just that we don’t know your spreadsheet.

Actually that was good advice to show an example however it’s my guess that there was stepped up security or cell protection or something on the newer version of the calc program by the makers.
Here’s an example of what it looks like now:
t nuts (number) Assembly Cost #DIV/0!
special handling cost amount Total material and labor cost (before delivery and overhead) #N/A
Assembly labor # workers # built Delivery Cost

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