All data lost after a reboot

I am running Linux Mint Victoria and have been using LO for the last month or so. The base file had over 8k records with tables , queries and forms. I had to reboot my system earlier today, and didn’t bother checking the said base fille as it has always loaded with all the data. It is only now that I opened the said base file with LO 25 and found that there are no tables, no queries and no forms!!.

Fortunately I do have an older base file , but the last record in that file is from 5 weeks ago. If I have to I’ll use that file but I would like to know what happened to the existing or latest forms etc. Why would everything just disappear after a reboot.

I just tried adding new data, ie a date for a new record but there was an error say ‘Error inserting new record’ ‘No values were modified’

If there are no forms, no tables and no queries the file seems to be 0 kB. Right?

Which database did you use? Internal HSQLDB?

The said database is now just 2.4Kb, and I used HSQLB embeded. to open an existing database in LO 25

A problem of embedded database files is the need to unpack the data from the database when opening the file and to pack everything back on close. If this wont work flawless you loose your data. “Split”-databases are more robust here.

Ok, thanks, but what can I do , if anything, to recover the forms etc.

At the moment I am in the process of trying re add back the last 5 weeks of data to an older 7.3 database file

Sounds like your 2.4kb file is toast. Only a previous backup will help you here.
As regards not being able to enter new records, I have a vague recollection of a bug that prevented updates with odb files made in 7.3.x versions, but don’t have it to hand at the moment.

Ok thanks anyway.
If I open the LO 7.3 odb file with LO 25 and then save it , would it still be a 7.3 file .

You could open this file with every LibreOffice version. Nothing has been changed there for HSQLDB since the beginning of LO.

Ok thanks, so it would still be a LO 7.3 version file.

When I select to open a new database in LO 25, it defaults to HSQLDB emebedded, which is the only item. Also it doe say Embedded database at the left side of the list box. So I can’t choose an internal database.
I’ll have a look at splitting the LO 7.3 version database.

Just a though, if I copy all the forms , tables and queries from the LO 7.3 database to a new LO 25 database, will it still be a LO 7.3 verion.


If you think of file formats it is only ODF 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 the first one also been accepted by OpenOffice without warning. The main features of the newer formats relate to encrypted and signed documents.
But yes a file created by 25.x is readable by 7.x, if you don’t encrypt the file.

I’d say embedded is internal. An external database is usually created on the database server, not from LibreOffice. After that you “connect to” this database.

Apologies if I was not clear enough, but I am asking if the forms, queries and tables were created in LO 7.3, then if I moved them to a new LO25 database, would the same forms etc be LO25 forms etc. That being not LO7.3 forms.
In other words is there anything to gain by doing so. I would rather use LO25 though.


I have jut recently finished re adding 5 weeks of data to an older LO7.3 database, and then copied all the forms , queries and table to a new LO25 database. I saved it, then closed LO down. Then reopened the LO25 database and all the entries from the tables have disappeared, so no queries and no forms work now…aaargh!

Why not copy the file “old73withnewdata.odb” to a new file “testin25x.odb” and open this file? Less than 10 seconds in your file-manager. And if you also create another copy “old73saved20250321.odb” you have an additional backup, wich would prevent loss of data (and should be copied also to some place outside your computer like usb connected drive.)
While I admit your process should not loose data, it seems completly unnecessary.
On thing you may test “step by step” is, if your install is prone to loose data. So copy table, then save-restart-test-backup, next copy queries, then next save-restart-test-backup, then the same for the forms… So you may find out more.
As your Mint-Victoria is from 2021 I assume your LibreOffice 25x is a newer flatpack, but PPA is also possible. There may be some incompatibility, but this is hard to debug, if you insist on your idea of 7.x-database vs 25.x-database…

I’m not sure, but you may need to activate “experimental features”. (Was necessary some years ago.) I had that activated for the macro recorder, so I don’t see any differences.

I can copy the forms etc to another new LO7.3 database ok, but when I create a new LO25 database, it is showing as a LO7.3 database when I dbl click on it to open it.
I suppose I have to start LO25 from the menu, and then open the new database with LO25, but when i close it then reopen , it still shows a LO7.3 database.


Not “it is showing”, but when you double-click ANY .odb-file your desktop is configured to start LO7.3
This is no setting in LibreOffice, but in the configuration of your PS/desktop-manger (Cinnamon/KDE/Xfce etc.)
You may change this preference yourself. But as long as you have two programs handling the same type (file extension, here .odp) you may have trouble to call the right program. Some desktop-managers allow to right click on a file and to choose a program with “open with”.
If you don’t know how to do this, stay with

And expect the following as “works as configured”:

Because your desktop will only react on the extension, nothing else.
If you export a Writer-File as pdf it would be shown as Sumatra or Adobe or Xodo or Chrome file on different devices I own.
Actually this is a common mistake. People assume the OS shows the type of the file, but instead they show the icon of the handling program, they will call on double-click.

Ok, thanks, I’ve got it it now…open with ‘LibreOffice Base’ opens the database as a LO25 database.
I have just removed LO core and now dbl clicking opens the database as a LO25 file.