All images in presentation suddenly 30% transparent

When I closed this documents all the photos in it were fully opaque as far as I know. On reopening the document, all of them are 30% transparent. But it seems I’ve unwittingly done something to create this problem.

I’ve looked at the default drawing style and areas in this style are 0% transparent. There are another two styles called ‘Object with no fill and no line’ and ‘object without fill’ for each of which the transparency is 0%.

Am I looking at the wrong styles? In Navigator, on each slide the affected photos are listed as E.g ‘Shape 6 (image with transparency)’.

I’d be really grateful for instruction in getting all those ‘images with transparency’ to be images WITHOUT transparency.

I’ve tried setting, in Properties, the transparency for a selected photo, at 0% transparency and then hitting the ‘update style’ icon/menu item. That hasn’t changed anything.

I don’t know what the issue is. If do you share a sample file with just a photo showing the 30% transparency, we can do a try to solve it.

A few questions:

  • How do you saved the file? .odp or a foreing format?
  • What value does the Image - Transparency field display in the Properties sidebar?
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