All "Insert Time" and "Insert Date" parts of document updated by accident

I’m unsure if this is a bug.

I’ve been using a keyboard shortcut for “Insert Time” and “Insert Date”.
I then copied some text from another LibreOffice Writer document where I had used that same function, and when I pasted it into the other document, it changed all the time and date inserts to the current time and date in the whole document.

I tried to “undo”, but it doesn’t affect any of the “Insert Time” and “Insert Date” bits.

Is there a way to reverse this? I wish it behaved like simple text…

Likely it’s tdf#157337 - for now, only fixed in master. Currently in 7.6, the shortcuts insert dynamically updated date/time.

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Once it is inserted you can copy and then Paste as unformatted text over the top of the selection.

Or, to make it a fixed field, right click on the field and select Edit field, then click on Time (fixed) or Date (fixed)

Is there a way to undo this and recover the original times and dates before all of the fields updated to the current date and time?

Imho: No. It is not “insert date and save history somewhere”. Only way would be to access versioned backup, if you have one, but no simple “undo”.