All menus are disabled in Ubuntu


Suddenly all menus in LO 4.1 became disabled. Reinstalling LO didn’t help. Upgrading to 4.2 stable also. Menus are still inactive, while icons and schortcuts works well.

I saw here some similar questions. But no helpful feedback yet.

Any solutions?

Thats likely Bug #1296715 “Menu items are greyed out in Libreoffice menu.” : Bugs : indicator-appmenu package : Ubuntu – please test the fixed version as suggested by Comment #13 : Bug #1296715 : Bugs : indicator-appmenu package : Ubuntu .

There is a recent related Q/A here for Win7 suggesting the problem may be the edit mode (which would be a problem common to all builds). Check that first. Alternatively, it is possible the the Ubuntu-provided version has a problem, in which case all I can suggest is you check the Ubuntu forums, to see if others are reporting the same issue. The website version certainly works as expected.

Actually the problem is not related to 4.2 only. It was in 4.1 before update. And it worked correctly until some moment.

Will try to ask in Ubuntu forums, but the only software where menus are disabled is LO, therefore asking here.