I just installed Linux Mint 18.1 KDE. It came with LibreOffice Version: I installed the extention Alternative Search & Replace 1.4.1 which worked perfectly on my old version of Linux Mint. It’s the same file which I have saved on my computer. The problem also happens with a new copied I downloaded after it didn’t work.
I have run into a problem with creating a Batch Search and Replace.
When I put a search and replace task and then click on Batch, I get an error window with these 2 messages:
Zkopiruj: Error with opening file:
line: 620: Path not found.
When I click OK to that error message window, a new error message window pops up with this message [spellings are copied and pasted as they appeared]:
Refresch: Error with opening file:
file:///home/myaccount/.config/libreoffice/4/user/config/AltSearchScript.txt l. 0:
When I click OK to that error message, I get this new one: Refresch: Error with opening file:
l. 676: Resume without error.
Then I am able to close the message. I am not able to create a batch search and replace.
Can someone offer advice on how to fix this?
Thank you for reading.