With LibreOffice 3.5 installed (not from the PPA) on Ubuntu 10.04, once a Calc file is opened, it repeatedly shows the “loading document” progress bar on the bottom of the screen. I haven’t experienced any disruption of my work, but I don’t know if it should be doing that.
Sorry, but I can’t avoid some questions: It happens when you open the calc itself or when you open a file? In this second case, is with any file or one in particular? Thks.
Sorry for answering so late. Seldom I launch Calc first and then open a file, so I guess the answer is when opening a file. With LibreOffice 3.5.2 I don’t see that behaviour any more.
Per user comment, it appears that this problem can be fixed by upgrading to LO 3.5.2.
(feel free to leave a new comment if the problem is still outstanding)
UPDATE: Who the heck downvotes this answer? Here’s an exact quote from OP:
Sorry for answering so late. Seldom I launch Calc first
and then open a file, so I guess the answer is when
opening a file. With LibreOffice 3.5.2 I don’t see that
behavior any more.
Per OP, 3.5.2 fixed the problem.
I just made an Answer for this Question because
- you can’t mark a Comment as the ‘right answer’, only an Answer
- you can’t mark your own Answer as correct without 50+ karma (which OP does not have)
I have updated yesterday to and I’m still having the exact same problem. Apparently it doesnt happen if you first launch LO Calc and then open the file.
@tahini: I updated yesterday to 3.6.4. 3 the current release and I don’t have problems (XP /SP3). Could this be a possibility for you as well? is the current release in the 3.6 branch.