Anchor image to full page

I’ve rarely worked with images so…

The author wants each image inserted within certain chapters. She wants each image to fill an entire page/ to be the only thing on that page. This gets tricky, of course, if anything gets added or changed that adds or subtracts even one line.

How do I anchor an image such that the text will continue flowing from the page before it to the page after it?

Am I anchoring, to page, to character, to paragraph? Am I using the wrap feature?

ETA: As I’m working through the user guide–I don’t understand the benefit of putting the image in a frame and anchoring the frame, rather than just anchoring the image.

Thank you for any help.

Please, just asking once is enough.

Hi. Going backwards, the advantage of having an image in a frame is that you can have a caption, which can be numbered and referenced in an index of pictures. That’s easily done by inserting the image, right clicking on it and selecting Add caption.

If the image is smaller than a full page then you can put it in a frame that will take up the whole page. You can also have a border to your image of you want if it is inside a frame

If you are using vector images from Draw they can be a bit unruly so are best anchored inside a frame.

Either way, from your description, you would want to anchor the image or frame to the Page, with No Wrap. Otherwise you might get text trying to squeeze on to the page. When the image is anchored to a page the text will just flow past it, the disadvantage being that it can get disconnected from the text that refers to it. Cheers, Al

CAUTION! CAUTION! @EarnestAl doesn’t emphasise enough that anchoring mode To page removes th the image or frame from the text flow and attaches it to an absolute page number. This means the image or frame is no longer positioned relative with text.

As an example, if the image is supposed to separate chapters, it is no longer anchored to the first paragraph of the chapter. If edits change text size before the image, the image may then appear before or after the chapter change because it remains anchored to the same page number.

@ajlittoz is absolutely correct that subsequent edits will cause problems if image is anchored to page. Other methods of anchoring also introduce their own problems with text edits, e.g. half page of empty space before a full page image anchored to a paragraph in the middle of a chapter. In the specific case of separating chapters at the beginning of the chapter then anchored to first paragraph is perfect.

You have to ensure each image is in its correct place (cut and paste is easiest if somewhat alarming at times) starting from first image to last as the final check regardless of how images are anchored.

Hi, thank you to all.

It seems, then, that I have understood the manual right. I’ve done some testing in a test document and that was the impression I got–that either technique has its problems.

I think, then, I have to go with anchoring to a page, as she wants the photographs to each be a full page/only thing on the page and anchoring to a paragraph may then cause big white spaces where the photograph has to be inserted, yet on a full page by itself.

The “big space” issue can be avoided with a proper choice of wrap mode.

@ajlittoz How would I do that? What wrap mode would I use? She wants each photograph to be alone on its page.

@harpwriter: apologies, I think you’re alluding at the blank space before the image, i.e. before the page break to position the image on its own page.

There is presently no way to anchor an image/frame so that it goes to the next available page while still being “attached” to the anchor so that it can follow it should lines be added or removed. The closest equivalent is anchor To page but it hard-attaches the image/frame to a specific page number and the image/frame never moves with text. The image may then become not related to surrounded text.