Andrew Pitonyak website "refused to connect"

Everything involving macros, the API, and the UNO eventually gets down to"You need to read/reference Pitonyak’s book(s) and links to his website, e.g., which refuses to connect.
[The posting will not allow me to repeat his web address, so read www-------- to be such in one form or another.]

Brave says:
This site can’t be reached
www-------- refused to connect

Firefox (on a different machine) says:
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at www--------

Chrome on my Android phone says:
This site cam’t be reached
www-------- refused to connect

ping -------- & ping www-------- both work fine
with a reference to ----xaox----

Is the a secret code or magic handshake to access his website?
Is the information, PDF or ODT, available anywhere else?

Doesn’t a “real” Basic-programmer have the books of Pitonyak printed out and lying under his pillow anyway?

Yes, http port 80 (https port 443 apparently never existed) currently appears to be broken on the pitonyak site. No, there’s nothing we here could do about it.

Meanwhile you can try the WayBackMachine.


A. Pitonyak’s website is working again!

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